
Headache and schizophrenia – A cross-sectional cohort study on prevalence, characteristics and management - 13/04/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.2134 
J. Connaughton , B. Wand
 The University of Notre Dame Australia, Physiotherapy, Fremantle, Australia 

Corresponding author.



Headache is the most common pain reported by people with schizophrenia. Little research has been conducted into the characteristics and management of headaches in this population.


Determine the prevalence, type and management of headache in people with schizophrenia.


Identify if best practice treatment of headache occurs and if changes are required to assure people receive appropriate management.


One hundred consecutive people with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder completed an extensive, reliable and valid headache questionnaire. Based on the questionnaire responses two clinicians independently classified each person's headache as either migraine headache (MH), tension type headache (TTH), cervicogenic headache (CGH) or other headache type (OH). Any discrepancies were resolved by consensus agreement.


Twelve-month prevalence of headache (57%) was higher than the general population (46%) with no evidence of relationship between psychiatric clinical characteristics and presence of headache. Prevalence of CGH (5%) and MH (18%) were comparable to the general population. TTH (16%) had a lower prevalence. Nineteen percent of participant's headache was classified as OH type. No participant with MH was prescribed migraine specific medication. Only 1 of the 5 people whose headache was classified as CGH received manual therapy and none had been prescribed exercises. No people with TTH received manual therapy, exercise prescription or postural review.


It is recommended that education is required for patients and mental health workers about headache classification and the appropriate care pathways for different headache types.

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